
Argolida Mountains

Argolida is a rich, blessed land. It’s been inhabited since the ancient years, with important towns that contributed significantly to Greek history, that’s why it is full of ancient monuments and ruins, like Mycenae and Epidaurus. It is by the sea and endued with amazing beaches and picturesque settlements, like Porto Heli. It has a fertile plain and products, like its oranges, that are sought for throughout the world. And finally is has an unknown side, its mountains and forests that can bring the visitor really close to nature.

It is normal to prefer staying close to the towns and beaches of Argolida, when you make the, admittedly easy, decision to visit it. But if you have time some day, we would advise you to spend it on a quick trip to the traditional villages in the mountains of Argolida, like Karya or Krya Vrysi. With people experienced in hardship, but also smiling, with a simple yet refreshing life, surrounded by endless virgin forests, these villages will give you a new perspective in life. Breathe the absolutely clean air, drink crystal clear water from the springs, discover creaks and gulches, just walk, far away from civilization.

This is a day we all have need of. Argolida, which offers everything else we seek for when on vacation, can also offer this.

Peloponnese Hotels – AKS Porto Heli – AKS Hinitsa Bay